Donna Fujii | Articles

Donna Fujii has authored several articles helping to develop your personal style.

Accessories on the Job


Based on article written for Glamour magazine, October 1998

A reader of Glamour magazine said she liked to pile on the accessories, on her ears, neck, wrists and fingers. Her boss hadn't commented, but one colleague joked that she looked like a Christmas tree. Who was right?

First and foremost, when on the job, whether it be in the office or traveling on business, it is important to maintain a high level of professionalism, not only for the image of the company, but for one's effectiveness as a representative of the company.

  • DON'T wear more than two pieces of jewelry near the face. This will enable you to maintain a focused and uncluttered look. For example, combining a scarf with earrings would be fine, but adding a necklace would be too much. Also, earrings are fine with a necklace, but adding a broach will be too busy.
  • DO count flashy eyeglasses with multiple colors or rhinestones, or dresses with large buttons or epaulets count as one accessory. Be mindful of how you integrate them with the other pieces you wear.
  • DON'T wear jewelry that makes noise or that flashes brightly. You can have a style signature but not at the expense of distracting your co-workers.
  • DO consider the context in which you work. If you work in a creative field, a wrist full of bracelets can probably be considered one unit, as can a small assortment of lapel pins or necklaces.

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