Color Self-Analysis

1. Is my coloring cooler or warm?


Blue is the coolest color and yellow is the warmest. In general, as blue is added to a color, it becomes cooler, and as yellow is added, it becomes warmer.

Cool and Warm Color Schemes

Your best colors depend on whether your coloring is cool or warm. This exercise is partially preference-based on the theory that people are instinctively drawn to colors that complement their own natural coloring. If you have changed the coloring of your hair, only answer Questions 1, 2, and 3.

Q U E S T I O N   1

Look at the inside, untanned portion of your upper arm in natural light. Does your skin have more of a Pink/Olive/Rose Brown or a Yellow/Golden Brown tone?
Yellow/Golden Brown
Pink/Olive/Rose Brown

Q U E S T I O N   2

Drape pieces of silver and gold fabric over your shoulders and look in the mirror. If you do not have fabric, use silver and gold jewelry and hold them next to each cheek. Which color brings out a healthier glow in your skin?

Q U E S T I O N   3

Do you tan easily?

Q U E S T I O N   4

Which lipstick color do you prefer?
Orange Red

Q U E S T I O N   5

Which colors do you prefer? (please make three choices)
Camel or Gray
Peach or Fuchsia
Green orBlue